Še enkrat smo prekolesarili kvarnerske otoke. Tokrat samo tri, saj smo Rab zaradi varnosti izpustili. Vremenska napoved nam je obljubljala močne severne vetrove in nizke temperature, a se je na koncu vse obrnilo na bolje. Štirje dnevi pod poveljstvom ekipe AdriaBike so bili spet nekaj, kar si bo lahko zapomniti. Slike s Krka, Ceresa in Lošinja si lahko ogledate na tej povezavi.



Once again we have passed through Croatian islands. This time only three of them, because Rab was canceled due to a risky weather.  The weather forecast was promising strong winds and cold temperatures, but at the end everything turned right. Four great days under commanding of AdriaBike team were again something to remember. Here is a link to photos, taken over past few days on Krk, Cres and Losinj.